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Portland, OR

Roof Maintenance


Maintain Portland Roofs, Roof Maintenance Portland, OR

Clogged gutters can damage your roof and cause leaks.  A properly maintained gutter will keep your roof shedding water like it should, and will keep your landscaping and flower beds from being damaged during heavy rainfall.  We offer the following gutter services:

Gutter Cleaning

Gutter Guards

Gutter Repair


Feel free to call us for other gutter/drainage concerns, if we can't help we'll do our best to find someone who can!

Preventative Roof Repairs

Repairs don't have to be made after the roof fails. Certain repairs performed before the leaks will avoid costly future repairs. Examples are:


Cracked Caulking

Worn Vent boots

Rusty Flashing


Think ahead! Contact us before the storms to get ahead of the rush!


Roof Repairs Portland, New Roofs
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